Tuesday 2 October 2012

Design Awards and Competitions

For an assignment for client and relationships I studied with a group the top Design Awards and competitions. The slant that we took on the topic was whether or not winning a design award would benefit us or hurt us in getting a job. The results of this question was very interesting. We interviewed two employers. One employer said that they wouldn’t care if we won or applied for design awards since they would only be looking at your portfolio of work. While, the other employer said yes they would look at the awards as a positive note and we should defiantly put in our resume. However, it wouldn’t be a make it or break decision when comparing two people for a job, it would always be souly on your portfolio of work. Yet, when we asked the students what they thought they all said yes it would be an important thing on your resume and would defiantly set you apart from the rest and help you get the job. Then, we asked a teacher in our program and he did say it would be a good thing to have on your resume but when it came down to it no matter how many awards you won if they didn’t like your work your wouldn’t be hired.
In conclusion, don’t focus to much on winning competitions thinking it will help your get a job but focus on getting experience and building a killer portfolio.

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