Sunday 30 September 2012

When does branding yourself become to much?

After a student in my program shared a video with  our class on personal branding by Jacob Cass ( It got me thinking about how important all of these social networks are to a starting graphic designer such as myself. Before I was in this program I had facebook alone. I was aware of other social networks but didn’t understand them or thought they were silly. However, the more I got into the program the more my social networking list started to grow. Yes, it was the programs fault for my obsession with social networking. Considering, in my course outline I believe I have one different network for each of classes accept for one. However, sadly to say it has changed me, it has open me up to the world of cyber space. It is an easy way to see how the world is developing, like trends and such. Which is essentially important to a graphic designer to keep up with the always changing world.

With that being said being apart of so many social networks, (which are all essentially one since they all link together) it is putting yourself out there to the world. I do see this as a positive point since as a graphic designer it is important to be seen and known for you work and not just your profile picture alone. However, when does it become hard to keep your social life away from your social networking? Facebook is meant to share pictures and conversations with your friends but then your able to connect your online portfolio set up with tumblr to interact with your facebooks news feed. Its hard to filter what is being but through the web and what you truly want to be seen by the right people. For instance, is it far that employers can look at your pictures that are meant for your friends but not what is meant for them which is your tumblr account? I believe there is such thing as the difference between being professional in the work place and being a human in the real world. Should we be judged on how we behave outside of the work place and off the paper of our resumes?

Whether or not your opinion is yes or no in todays world it is “yes”. Therefore we are obligated to keep our social networking consistence. Keep are social life under wraps and keep everything professional for the world to see. Which means if you are a designer you must design design design.. keeping all of your social networks amazingly interesting to show your talent. Which brings me to this website I found that showcases peoples timeline designs.

( Yes they are great and people would love to see them.. But facebook is meant for your friends and family and if we have to keep this updated and designed along with all the other social networks we are attached to just based on the slight chance someone googles you. Well then when does Branding yourself become to much? Is there a difference between staying professional or just unnecessary obligations?

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