Monday 4 February 2013

Class mates Critique

Since I critiqued my classmates wine labels in my last post, I got her to do the same for the beer poster. This is what she said. "For an alcoholic beverage poster or advertisement I think this concept works really well. It gets the target audience excited and puts a lot of emphasis on the authenticity and unique qualities the beer possesses. From what I know the beer has a lot of history behind it, the tops popping off the bottles coupled with the tagline “go ahead, loose your head” are what gets people interested in the history of this beer. The texture of the table the beer is placed upon grabs to the eye, as it is different from a typical black or matte colour. It also draws attention to the tagline. The smoke coming out of the bottles is what draws your eyes upwards after you have looked at the label on the beer. I like the subtle use of “sweat” on the bottles, it makes the bottle seem refreshing and clean, something beer drinkers look for. It makes the audience want to “grab a cold one.” The tagline of course is incredibly clever and couples very well with the history of the beer. The black background really makes the gold in the label pop out and grabs your attention immediately. Over all I think this advertisement is very successful as a poster as it does its job perfectly!" Thankfully, I dont have any criticism to respond too. Therefore, I haven't changed anything on the poster accept for putting on some legal information.

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